Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Did you know... it's Burns Night!

(Well not just yet) On the 25th of Jan, Scots everywhere will be getting kilted up and enjoying a dram or two to celebrate the life and work of Robert Burns.

And so here's some of my favourite facts about him!

  • Born 25th of Jan 1759 - 1796, Burns was just aged 37 when he died.
  • He fathered at least 12 children by four different women, one of which, his youngest, was born on the day of his funeral.
  • Robert Burns was voted the Greatest Ever Scot in 2009 by television viewers.
  • Burns wrote 'Auld Lang Syne' which is recognised by the Guinness World Book of Records as being in the top 3 popular songs in the English language (Along side Happy Birthday and For he's a jolly good fellow).
  • He produced more than 550 songs and poems.
  • Burns is known as The Bard, Scotland's national poet.
  • His net worth on his death in 1796 was £1.
  • When measured after his death, Burns' head was found to be larger than the average human.
  • Micheal Jackson said that his famous song Thriller was inspired by Burns' Tam O'Shanter.
  • Robert Burns has been into space!... Well not really... his poems have. Nick Patrick, when doing a 5.7 million mile trip and 217 orbits of the Earth, carried a miniature book of Burns' poetry in 2010.
  • Pedestrian crossings in Japan play a rendition of "coming through the Rye" to indicate to a walker to cross.
  • The US President Abe Lincoln could recite Burns' work by heart.

If you want to celebrate Burns Night too, but you're not quite sure what exactly to do... Here's some quick and easy steps to help you along the way.


  1. You should be eating the traditional "Haggis, Neeps (turnip) and Tatties (potatoes)", or similarly, a vegetarian Haggis is a tasty alternative!
  2. Why not get into the spirit with a nice dram of whisky, in true Burns fashion!
  3. Music: For those of you who can't handle the drone of the Bagpipes, you'll be able to find many Cd's of Burn's own songs and poems to play.
  4. And no Scottish celebration would be complete without a bit of tartan! There's hundreds to choose from, and you never know, you might find that you've got your own family tartan!

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