Thursday, 12 July 2012

My Name is Charlotte, and I'm a Bake-aholic

After all these rainy days, I have come to the realisation of what is my perfect rain day.

You know those days/half days off when you're supposed to be doing jobs. The important jobs, like laundry and tidying up. The jobs that you really cannot be bothered to do. Well, it's those day that I usually spend doing what I love. 


Now when I say 'baking' I mean 'cakes', not cookies, not pastries, not savoury meals. Baking sweet delicious, mostly fattening, cakes.

Lemon, Victoria Sponge, chocolate, orange.. the list is endless. I love them all.

I love the process of putting my apron on.I love having my music blaring. I love combining all the ingredients to create something filled with sugary love. 

Cannot beat it.
 (My latest Victoria Sponge, with freshly whipped cream and raspberry jam... yum.) 

So tell us, What is your favourite thing? Eating chocolate whilst watching a black and white film? Shopping online for bargains? Snuggling up on a cold afternoon and reading a good book? 
Come on and share with us, We'd love to know!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Bee Happy and Treat Your Skin.

Have you ever tried the products from Burt's Bees? Well I never had and thought it was about time for me to have a go and let all you people know what I thought about them.

I have always found the claim that all products are between 99 - 100% natural intriguing,  I was curious to see whether the 'natural' route would make my skin feel better and more healthy. We all know that feeling of being weighed down by greasy chemically products, it was refreshing to find a range that openly says 'Never any Sulphates, Parabens, Phthalates, or Petrochemicals' (despite not knowing what many of these are, I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't like to be rubbing these on my skin!).

MY FIRST PRODUCT that I tried out was the BURT'S BEES, Shea Butter Hand Repair Cream (with Cocoa Butter & Sesame Oil) (£7.50).

Butter is better for softer hands.Described as; 'Luxurious botanical butters found in nature help to hydrate dry hands. Our Shea Butter Hand Repair Cream is infused with moisturising Cocoa Butter and Sesame Oil which absorb quickly to keep the skin on your hands supple throughout the day'

Which I have to say, I completely agree with!
The moment I rubbed the cream into my hands it was as if they'd been starved for centuries and suddenly been given a big glass of cold water, I could hear them saying Thank you Charlotte, this is exactly what we wanted! My hands feel soft and smooth, however one serious negative of this is that I cannot stop touching my hands or forcing other people to feel how smooth and silky my skin is.

MY SECOND PRODUCT is the BURT'S BEES Green Tea & Lemongrass Hand Soap (£8.00), a soap that is light, beautifully fragrant and still gives the feeling that it is doing it's job good, well and proper. Unlike many other soap that I have used, this Hand Soap does not dry out my hands leaving me craving moisturiser, however I did find that the soap works wonderfully with the hand cream!

Scrub your skin peachy clean.MY THIRD PRODUCT was the Peach and Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub (£10.00) which claims to leave your skin feeling 'soft and smooth' and let me tell you, it certainly does! Although, I wouldn't recommend it those of you with very sensitive skin, it might be a bit to much, my skin however LOVES is! (It also works beautifully with my Rich Thermo-Protective Cream by Pythomer!)

Thanks for reading and hope you have a lovely day!