Wednesday, 1 May 2013

It's TheSimpleThings that matter.

It's our new favourite magazine here at Drift Living... have you seen it? The Simple Things.

Such lovely articles with an even more lovely slogan of "Living and loving the simple life", definitely a fantastic new motto to take on!

Their homepage is perfectly cute, with choices of "EATING, GROWING, MAKING, LIVING and ESCAPING" to choose from, giving you articles from baking, to books, to DIY tutorials, What more do you need?! 

I highly recommend everyone should jump onto this simplistic wagon with me, and lets start "living and loving the simple life"! We're currently on Issue 9 of 13.. so plenty more to come, yay!

Nordic Living.

We have new products AND a new section!

If you love the Scandinavian style you'll love our new section in which we put all of our items which would give your home a scandi-type feel.